Sunrise is just another excuse to get up and hike for 2 hrs in the dark.
Mountain range by Achensee, Austria Tirol at rainy sunset.
Rainy sunset view of Ebner Spitz, Austria Tirol.
A massif view from the distance.
Langkofel Group view from the southern mountain resort.
Langkofel massif view from the side.
Langkofel summit view in black & white.
Langkofel summit view from the northern ski resort.
Rosengarten mountain in the sunset glow.
Reflected Latemar mountain in the crystal Lake Karersee.
Spring Latemar mountain view from the gem-like Karersee.
An afternoon view of the Rosengarten mountain from Lake Karersee.
High-contrast, misty view of the Latemar mountain from Mittersee.
A very froggy, cloudy sunset view at the Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany.
Cold mountains shot from Eibsee, the lake at foot of Zugspitze.